Freelancing: How to Set Your Priorities

Okay, this post is a little bit personal because I have been into work-life balancing this past few weeks. To cut the story short, I already got into full time freelancing. It's been three years since I dreamed of becoming one of them. I feel that I am really new into this set up and sometimes I don't know which one to do first. (I am talking about my job)

I currently have two long-term contracts and I also have one fixed price contract that I need to finish this week. The first one needs to be done for four to five hours per day then I have to finish the rushed fixed contract too. I feel like I am not delivering the best results to my employers because I've been working and destructed by the other contracts that I have. Good thing I am now okay with the schedule that I made last week. If you're experiencing the same, here are my tips and ideas for your reference.

Create your own work schedule. I already wrote some tips on my previous blog post about creating your own work schedule and it will help you to do the tasks that you need to be done,

Set your priorities. Make sure that you set priorities when it comes to which one to do first and which are the tasks that can wait for a while.

Do not get too many tasks if you can't finish it at the right time. No one can serve two masters at the same time so if you think that you can't do a certain task, do not apply for it or if it was just being offered learn to say no.

Find time to relax. Life is not about working and struggling. Give yourself a break and drink your favorite cup of coffee. Breath, live life and take a rest.


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