Cats and Unconditional Love
You'll never know how importance it is unless it's gone. This post is a little bit different from the previous posts that you can read on this blog but, I just want to share how I feel the past few days until today. I feel sad, very very sad. I just lost my cat few days ago. I wrote this letter because I just want to let it out.
My Love,
I miss you. You're the one who makes me happy whenever I feel sad and depressed about living alone. When I get mad at you sometimes, you don't go away. Instead, you beg to be petted. You thought me how to love unconditionally. You may be just a cat (that's what people always say) but for me, you're more than just a cat. You're my friend. I am going to miss us playing hide and seek. I will miss your meows early in the morning. I'm sorry for getting up so late everyday. I'm gonna miss looking at you while you hunt for lizards, sleep near my feet when I work and run too fast and be the first to be at my room's door. I'm gonna miss us looking at the cotton candy skies every afternoon. Sorry for not letting you sleep in my room every night.
I know you want to roam around the house that's why I let you out. I'm gonna miss you sleeping on my laptop bag, under my bed and inside the hamper. I'm gonna miss looking at you while you look up and try to catch the birds. I am so sorry for being not a perfect pet owner. I wish there's still a second chance for me to show you how much I love you. I know you're happy now wherever you are. You can now play with the other pets at the rainbow bridge. I don't want another cat. You're different from all that I had. You're not just a kitty. You're my best friend.
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