How to Keep Your Blog Updated During Your Vacation Time

Have you ever thought of going to one to two weeks length of vacation with your friends and loved ones? Well, vacation is always a good idea to keep our mind refreshed from the daily stress of work and personal struggles as well as keeping our body relaxed. If you’re a blogger and you have that specific schedule of writing and publishing posts, then you should keep on reading to get our ideas on how you can keep your blog updated even when you’re having the best time of your vacation.

Plan ahead.

If you already booked your tickets for that certain vacation on week from now, you should start to plan ahead of time. Get those ideas on your head written and set a specific day that you intend to schedule of creating your blog posts.

Set a day to finish blog posts.

Schedule one day from the weekend to edit photos, write content and scheduling of posts. For example, do it on a Saturday morning or anytime of the day that you're free. Sacrifice two to three hours of your time doing it so that you won't have to worry even when you're away. Trust me, even the most popular blogger do it.

Schedule your blog posts.

If you’re into thrice a week blog posting, choose the days that you have to post something and set it on a schedule. Pre-uploaded posts is your best friend during vacation.

Keep your readers updated.

To avoid losing readers and subscribers, yet you can’t really make three or more posts to schedule, write one blog post which tells that you’re going to spend a week or two for vacation and you have something for them when you get back. You should also tell your readers and subscribers to follow you on your most-used social media accounts to keep them updated with the place and happenings in your life. We suggest Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat.

Enjoy your vacation without stressing yourself about everything about your blog or work.


  1. Yes, keeping an updated blog is very important.. not only for readers, but also for search engines.. recently I restarted my blogging journey and came up with Freelancer Philippines... this is a nice tip I can do whenever I will get a vacation..

  2. Wonderful post!
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