10 Ways on How to Make Money at Home

                There will be a time in your life that you will need to stay at home but you may want you find something which can add an extra income for your family. Even though I don’t have children to keep an eye with or other responsibilities with the need to stay at home, sometimes I feel like quitting my job and be free from being a corporate slave. I went through unemployment last 2011 and that was one of the most stressful days of my life. I used to work since I was sixteen and I am not used to having no certain amount of cash inside my wallet. I also don’t want to rip off my small savings back then so I found ways on how to make money while staying at home. If you want to add an extra income, you may want to consider reading this and I hope that you can get something from this article.

Become an online tutor. If you’re good in speaking English, you can look for a job online to teach other people on how to speak English properly, teach them to do create good essays and everything that they will need about their studies. There are many people hiring other people for them to teach English just like the Japanese and Koreans.

Sell your clothes online. Try to let go of those clothes that you do not wear anymore. Sell them online and get extra cash for your needs.

Sell your old books. Aside from saving more space on your room, you can earn a good amount of cash if you sell your old books online or you can try to rent them to people who might be interested to read them.

Sell your crafts on eBay. Do you love making handicrafts and accessories? You can earn cash from it by selling them online. You can also get discovered and asked to be a partner of a certain company for doing it.

Write and get paid. Are you good in writing? You can get paid by writing for websites. Build your portfolio and contact websites for writing projects. You can earn as much as $50 per article depends on the number of words and topics that they are going to give you.

Review stuff.  If you like makeup or any other beauty products, review them. Aside from getting freebies from companies, you can also get an invite to review something and get paid for doing it.

Cook.  You can earn cash by cooking and selling it online or to your neighborhood. You can try baking to make special cupcakes and cookies. Moms are sometimes busy with their day job and have no time to prepare dinner for their family. You can always reach them and set a certain schedule for you to cook for them.

Start a blog.  Bloggers can earn as much as $25,000 per month and if your passion is writing informative contents, you can also earn that amount. All you have to do is to start it now and learn the step by step process for it.

Start a Youtube channel. There are lots of people who made Youtube and doing videos as their career. Get your camera now and start doing videos of your niche.

Be an online travel agent. If you love surfing the Internet for affordable flights, hotels and places to go for a vacation you can be an online travel agent and you can get paid for it.


  1. This is such an interesting post, definitely helping everyone out (:
    Have a great day,


  2. This is really good!

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  3. I think selling your things, and/or acting as a freelancer is really helpful to earn that extra cash. Love the post <3

    xx Bash |   go say   H E Y   B A S H

  4. Hi, thx for your comment in my blog now i´following your blog.
    Amazing post things I have to do.


  5. Thanks for sharing this nice and helpful article. Its really helpful who stay at home.

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  6. Definitely should try all of these! Great ideas hun!



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